Holoparasites: These parasites are also known as "obligate" because of their obligation to find a host in order to survive.
Nonphotosynthetic Vines- They are found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. These species are a part of the Cuscutacea family and are related in to the well-known vine, Morning Glory. Nonphotosynthetic vines are also known as Stem Parasites because their connection to hosts is through the stem.
Root Parasites- These are fleshy-stemmed parasites that fall into the Orobanchacease family. Root parasites have their parasitic connection the roots of their hosts.

These have green photosynthetic leaves, yet the plant uses carbon from the host plant's roots. Common types are hemiparasites are Indian paint brush, owl's clover (seen on the right) and lousewort. Because they are not completely parasitic, they are capable of living on their own, but studies show the plant is usually smaller and less vigorous if it lives without invading a host.
The greater part of critics are parasites, who, if nothing had been written, would find nothing to write. See the link below for more info.
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